Small is the Key: MacWorld Expo Keynote coverage
1:00pm CST - new product sites launch, and are brought to their knees within seconds.
Here is a little peek:
12:50pm CST - New iPod, iPod Shuffle shown at Keynote.
- 512MB($99) and 1GB($149)
12:30pm CST - Mac mini shown at Keynote.
- 1.25 Ghz G4($499), another model at 1.4 Ghz($599)
- Available January 22nd.
11:30am CST - Keynote:
- Up to the minute updates on
- Up to the second updates on IRC at irc:// #macrumors. Also check out #macrumorschat for people from the conference chatting, as well as other insane fans speculating and commenting, all flying at you at 100mph.
- Gizmodo has Keynote notes.
11:00am CST - Steve Jobs' keynote begins. Apple Store is temporarily taken down, displaying a post-it note "We'll be back soon." As of yet, no press releases about new products have been posted, and aren't expected until the keynote ends at 1:00pm CST.
10:00am CST - Site still down. So far nothing from the expo has trickled in on other sites. Steve Jobs' keynote speech will begin in one hour (12:00pm EST).
9:00am CST - The Macworld Expo site is down from all of us eager fans trying to get the scoop! According to Netcraft, their site had been running on Windows Server 2003 up until now. As far as I know that doesn't run on Xserves.
11 Jan 05 | +Permalink+ | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)